Sustainable printing

Sustainable printing

Agpograf is a sustainable prining press with an environmental commitment. We work every day to improve and offer a more sustainable impression.


PEFC (Caring for our forests globally)

This label was created in 1999 through the initiative of forest owners from six European countries. In cooperation with the paper industry, environmental organizations, scientists, customers and private forest owners, it was agreed to create a certification system under the banner of the PEFC Council. They also establish sustainable forest management. The PEFC label guarantees that the wood used for the protection of the paper comes from forests / jungles sustainably managed, taking into account social responsibility. (


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FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®)

This label indicates that the paper is produced from wood from a responsibly managed forest. Mean FSC® Forest Stewardship Council®, an international nonprofit organization that seeks to promote responsible forest management and improve the globe. Only when forest management and supply chain meet the requirements set by the FSC® may producers of wood and paper suppliers to use the FSC® logo. This organization carries out inspections for the verification process with the help of independent agencies. (


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ISO 14001:2015

Since 2013, we have been holders of ISO 14001:2015 certification, a standard that supports an effective and world-recognised Environmental Management System (EMS). It is designed to achieve a balance between sustained profitability and the reduction of impacts on the environment.


Download the ISO 14001:2015 in PDF format

ISO 9001:2015

We are ISO 9001:2015 since 2007, attesting to the internal organization and our ability to ensure consistent quality for our customers.


Download the ISO 9001:2015 in PDF format

Good environmental practices

We adhere to good environmental practices program by the Centre for the Promotion of Industry and Technology Graphic Communication has established to standardize our manufacturing processes to environmental standards that the EU advised to apply to the printing industry.


Download the certificate in PDF format

Catalan Health Register of Food Industries and Products
Carbon footprint registration, compensation and CO2 absorption projects

We are affiliated as collaborating partners of the INSTITUTE OF ECOEDITION, an entity committed to promoting, disseminating, and verifying environmental sustainability in the world of books in Catalonia. Its main mission is eco-publishing: an innovative perspective for sustainable publishing that is based on measuring, minimizing, and communicating the environmental impact of books.


When we eco-publish, we adhere to strict environmental protection criteria that translate into the implementation of a series of best practices. Thanks to eco-publishing, new and conscious ways of producing and sharing knowledge are embraced.

All our products are available in FSC® or PFEC certifications on request.

Consult our Quality and Environment Policy



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