Alfonso Casas

Las Orejas al Lobo

Alfonso Casas talks and reflects on the monsters we have to live with on a daily basis, in his self-published comic. You know when they come, but you never know when they leave.


This graphic novel continues the line of MonstruosaMente, where the artist from Zaragoza brought to life the problems of our current society, such as anxiety or depression, transforming them into monsters with their own identity.


The comic has a paperback binding and, in order to achieve an optimum result, we have used the conventional printing technique on Fedrigoni’s Arena Extra White Smooth paper, as the comic is in black and white and all the details have to be captured.

Technical specifications

Alfonso Casas

Format 17,5 x 22,9 cm.


Conventional printing with black ink (1 + 1) where each page has been worked with special care due to the complexity of the project, as it is a black and white comic book

Symbol Tatami white of 250 g. (Fedrigoni Papers) printed in 4 + 4 with varnish

Arena Extra White Smooth of 140 g. (Fedrigoni Papers) printed in 1 + 1 with black ink

Paperback binding with flaps

Varnish on the cover
