De la Nature

Éditions Lienart

Man’s relationship with nature is one of the major issues of the 21st century due to growing ecological awareness. However, this link has existed since the origins of humanity, shaping the sensibilities and movements of each moment. This is why nature has a significant presence in the history of Western art.


To illustrate this decisive element in artistic creation, De la Nature brings together four visual artists with visual proposals in which the relationship between man and nature is essential: Philippe Cognée, Cristina Iglesias, Wolfgang Laib and Giuseppe Penone.


Directed by Guy Tosatto and Sophie Bernard, the work is published on the occasion of the exhibition De la Nature presented at the Musée de Grenoble. It consists of a slipcase containing five books with different finishes, magnificently published by Éditions Lienart in Paris.


A new graphic project produced in perfect synergy by our group of companies: Nexe Impressions, Caméléons Artisans de l’Image and Agpograf Impressors.


Éditions Lienart and Musée de Grenoble



Book (A) of 184 pages

Four books (B) of 48 pages





Book cover (A): 4/0 inks and matt laminated on one side

Inside of book (A): 4/4 inks

Book cover (B): 4/0 and acrylic varnish on one side

Inside books (B): 4/4 inks

Slipcase: 4/0 inks and matt lamination on one side



Book cover (A): Graphic cardboard 1 c/ of 330 g

Inside book (A): Magno matt of 150 g

Book cover (B): 300 g Munken Lynx

Inside books (B): 150 g Munken Lynx

Slipcase: Magno matt 150 g



Stitched paperback

2 full flaps on book cover (A)



Slipcase made of 2 mm cardboard

Exhibition catalog
Stitched paperback, Flaps, Solapes, Rústica cosida, LED UV