ADG Magabook Laus 2022 – “El libro de las criaturas fantásticas”

Once again, we have collaborated with the printing of the ADG Laus awards book. A title that recognises the graphic arts sector, and specifically the work carried out by graphic designers who always help to challenge the recipient and provoke a moment of reflection when admiring their work.

The publication, which brings together the 335 projects chosen by the jury, also includes interviews and various contents such as the Laus of Honour awarded to Pati Núñez, to recognise designers and companies in their professional careers.

The Magabook ADG Laus 2022, has been designed by Guirardo Estudi de Disseny. A family studio that has been making its way to receive this commission. The conceptualisation process was the hardest part for the studio, as they did not want to make a book where they could point out the winners, but they wanted to give the book a soul and they wanted to discover the parts of which these artists are composed.

The book combines conventional offset and LED UV offset printing techniques to give it a good finish. It has a hard cover binding, to create a classic piece in the good sense, and with a comfortable reading.

To know more about this project we leave you an interview made by ADG FAD in Guirardo Estudi de Disseny.