Editorial Tenov i Fundació ”la Caixa”

Homo Ludens

Catalog to accompany the exhibition “Homo Ludens” at Fundació ”la Caixa” on the history of video games.


The exhibition offers a new perspective on the gamer concept that shows a video game world where life and play converge.


The catalog, coordinated by Editorial Tenov and designed by Carles Murillo, has been printed using RGB simulation technology to ensure that the photographs from the video games have similar colors to those on the screens and monitors. Multicolor printing allows you to expand the color spectrum by adding three print colors to the traditional ones (CMYK). The result is images of great sharpness, depth and contrast.

Edition coordination
Editorial Tenov


Splendorlux Premium White of 250 g. (Fedrigoni Paper)


Arena Extra White Smooth of 140 g. (Fedrigoni Paper)


Exhibition catalog