Cahier d’exploration graphique

Éditions B42

Sophie Cure and Aurélien Farina encourage the reader to discover the basics of graphic design with the Cahier d’exploration graphique. A play-book that invites the reader to understand the multitude of signs that make up our daily lives.


It covers everything from typography to visual identity, including layout, and is completed with illustrations by renowned designers and a glossary for historical reference. An ideal book both for graphic designers and for those who want to better understand their environment.


Published by Éditions B42, this interactive notebook is full of colour, a variety of papers and multiple finishes, including the use of Pantone inks and die-cut inserts. The tandem Agpograf – Nexe Impressions has taken care of every detail in the printing.



210 x 297 mm



Covers: Arena White Smooth 200 g

Inside: Arena White Smooth 120 g

Inserts: Arena White Smooth 140 g

Gabarit: Arena White Smooth 140 g

Adhesive sheets: Adhesive matt uncut 80 g



Covers: 3/0 – P2265U Green U and P265U (fluorescent) + acrylic varnish

Inside: 3/3 – P2265U Green U and P265U (fluorescent)

Inserts: 3/0 – P2265U Green U i P265U (fluorescent)

Gabarit: 0/0

Adhesive sheets: 3/0 – P2265U Green U i P265U (fluorescent)



Perfect binding



140 mm flaps on covers

Two inserts (190 x 280 mm) cut to size

One template sheet (190 x 280 mm) die-cut, cut to size and inserted

Two adhesive sheets (190 x 280 mm) die-cut, cut to size and inserted

Perfect binding, Adhesive, Inserts, Die-cut, Enquadernació rústica fresada, Enquadernació rústica fresada, Encartament, Encuny, Flaps, Solapes, Pantone inks, Tintes Pantone