• Brandbook Daisalux
  • Iluminación de emergencia Daisalux
  • Serigrafía encuadernación Daisalux
  • Swiss binding Daisalux
  • Encuadernación cosida a la suiza Daisalux
  • Productos Daisalux
  • Libro de marca Daisalux
  • Libro impresión Daisalux
  • Catálogo de productos Daisalux

Brand Book


Daisalux has accumulated 40 years of experience in the field of emergency lighting, with a clear commitment to innovation, technical quality, and architectural integration. Its products not only ensure safety but also add aesthetic value to spaces with a minimalist and timeless design.


The company presents its Brand Book, which compiles its values, vision for the future, and a catalog of featured products. The design, created by Alambre Estudio, structures this narrative by combining technical content with a clear and sophisticated visual storytelling, perfectly reflecting the brand’s identity.


The project, managed by Oficina 200Bis, comes to life in the workshop of Agpograf with offset LED UV printing and a Swiss binding that leaves the sewn spine exposed. The covers feature a lining in Imitlin Fiandra from Fedrigoni Paper, printed in screen printing with two inks, while the 104 inner pages are printed on Munken Polar from Artic Paper.



17.5 x 23.5 cm



Interior 104 pages: Munken Polar 130 g from Artic Paper

Cover lining: Imitlin E/R65 Fiandra gigrio from Fedrigoni Paper



Interior: Offset LED UV

Cover lining: Screen printing with 2 inks



Swiss binding with covered spine

Corporate brochures
Enquadernació a la suïssa, Folre, Serigrafia, LED UV